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Richmond Land Trust Meeting - August 30, 2021 


Land Trust to assess trail damage following storm


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND — Meeting in person on Aug. 30, members of the Richmond Rural Preservation Land Trust agreed that a survey of all land trust properties was needed following Tropical Storm Henri, to identify trails that might be blocked or damaged by fallen trees and tree limbs.

“We made a plan for each of our trustees to survey a property,” land trust Chair Suzanne Paton said. “We want to make sure the trails are safe.”

The trustees were also briefed regarding progress on trail - building and trailhead parking at the 112-acre Saila Preserve, the land trust’s newest acquisition.

Eagle Scout candidate Aiden Pickett from Troop 44, aided by several Scout volunteers, has begun his project of cutting a public hiking trail on the property.

The engineering firm, Horsely Witten, is designing the parking area at the trailhead, and the land trust discussed, but did not vote on, a proposal to modify a section of the trail to make it accessible to visitors in wheelchairs.

In other business, the land trust approved five permits for deer hunting on its properties, four at the Saila Preserve and one at the Bradner Preserve.

“These are all people that have requested permits in the past,” Paton said.

Permission was also granted to University of Rhode Island researcher, Laken Ganoe, to continue an ongoing wildlife camera monitoring study through 2023.

In addition, the trustees agreed to cancel the “Almost Full Moon” hike in mid-September because many similar hikes will be offered around the same time throughout the state.

“The Land Trust Council has a whole bunch of hikes,” Paton said, “so we decided to cancel ours. We just have too many things going on…It can be quite an event, and we weren’t really sure who would be able to lead this hike.”


It was also announced that a new trustee is being sought to fill a vacancy on the seven-member panel, following the resignation of Thomas Bietz, whose term would have ended in 2024.

Cynthia Drummond


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